Are you ready to make some positive and healthy lifestyle changes in your life, but don’t know how, what and where? Do you find the jungle of information within nutrition, exercise and beauty overwhelming? Yes? Then I might be able to help you and be the inspiration you are looking for.
Years ago I took my nursing diploma and worked as a trained nurse in the cardiac unit. I really loved my job. Being a Florence Nightingale made me feel great as I could help and take care of people. I couldn’t imagine anything better! But this job also made me sad and frustrated. I saw too many young men coming in with massive heart attacks and sometimes we couldn’t save them. The phone call I had to make to the wife and children; I am so sorry… or all the young terminal cancer patients we took care of and tried to help having as little pain as possible and giving them a good as possible end to a life way too short…
At the same time as I did my nursing studies I did my fitness diploma. I was teaching classes in a gym, giving personal training and I was a part of the education team, teaching the instructors how to work with pregnant women and women who had just given birth.
With my background being a mum, who has gone through two active pregnancies and know how it feels to get the body back on track, and at the same time very concerned about the scary heart histories in my family and have seen the downside of people not paying attention to their health, I feel that my 23 years of experience on the fitness and nursing field, have given me a lot of knowledge and experience. I have trained people between 15 and 78, seen their needs and helped them to increase value to their life.
After some years of nursing, I decided to go all in on preventing diseases instead of treating them. I feel the reward is so much higher. There is nothing more important in life than your health. Make sure to optimise your health by making changes that last a lifetime. It doesn’t have to be complicated, you just only need to know how!
If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know!