Lifestyle Optimiser - Cecilie Rigneus

Cecilie is passionate about helping others optimise their life by managing their health and beauty through nutrition and fitness.

Happy New Year

plank arnita

Happy and Healthy New Year to You All!

We are already into the second week of 2016 and I hope you have had a great start and are still motivated with your resolutions and the good changes you are planning on for this year.

I love being in January with the anticipation of another exciting year in front of me. A whole new book with crisp blank pages and I am the one holding the pen. The first thing I do when I start a New Year with New Possibilities is to take a look back on my previous year. Am I happy and satisfied with last year? Did I manage to keep up with my goals and resolutions? Now I would like you to do the same! Are you happy with your successes? How do you want to continue and where do you feel you may need to make a few more changes?

Here is a small task I would like you to do. Put together two lists. The first list is of the things you would like to spend more time on, what you would like to achieve, and what you would like to become. The second list is with the things that what you do spend time on today, where you are in your life and your goals. Now take a moment to compare the two lists and start to modify and adjust. Which sacrifices do you need to make? Trust me when I say, when you write everything down and look at it on a regular basis, results are much more likely to happen.

Most resolutions are connected with health, weight, fitness and reducing stress. Mine are as well. And I am no different  then other people with these same resolutions. The difference for me is I make them happen!

Not being a big fan of diets, I tend to be more of a fond believer in healthy changes that last a lifetime. It all sounds great I know, and reality might be a bit different and a little difficult but it is absolutely doable. If we want to lose weight, there are sacrifices to be made and stricter eating habits to be put in place. For example, I have a favorite detox I do from time to time when I feel my body telling me I need a clean up on the inside. Talking only about myself, after the Christmas holiday, there is always major clean up to be done! My favorite detox is made of food to chew and is only a three-day plan. Easy to do, without any hunger, purifies the body and gives a great boost towards a healthier me. You can find it here on the website.

If we go back to the list, more exercise tends to pop up quite often. As both a personal trainer and having the gym as a workplace, I get to see hundreds of motivated clients with masses of enthusiasm. Unfortunately, the pattern always seems to be, that for every week that passes into the New Year, less and less people keep up with their good fitness routines. Be honest now, which one are you? The one who supports the gym with a passive membership or the one who really wears out the fitness gear? The clue is to find something you really like and thus are likely to keep up with! Talk to a colleague or a friend and team up as fitness buddies! It’s easier to stay motivated this way, as it is much harder to let your partner down by skipping a session. After all, we know that a promise is a promise and you don’t want to be the one to break it. Being alone makes it easier to quit and just stay at home. Perhaps you are reading this and thinking, I just can’t get started. If that is the case, let us help. Just get in touch with a personal trainer. We are personal trainers who have a passion for fitness and health. If you feel your dedication, motivation and consistency seems to be missing, let us know and we will bring it out of you. We truly love helping and inspiring people like you to get started and taking you through to finding the joy and commitment!

I also mentioned stress reduction. My dream daily life day would be to have time to read a chapter of a good book or simply to take time out for lovely conversations with my family and friends. I would like to slow down to enjoy the raindrops falling on my head, or to feel the sunshine warming my face. To look at the birds, watch the candles on the table and all this without a phone in my hand! All of these things are not really a dream life. It is simply to become more connected in the moment. That is to be present in the moment whatever the situation where we live, feel and are real. Perhaps being present is one of the very precious and most important goals of them all.
So let’s BE PRESENT!

All that is left to say is Good Luck with your goals and plans. I will check in from time to time to let you know how I am doing.
Please feel free to let me know your goals so I can check in on you sometimes as well. Enjoy the Journey you are doing in 2016 and make it the best yet. By sharing my favorite recipes, fitness exercises and beauty tips, I will do my best to help you to keep up your motivation. My promise is to keep it easy, simple, efficient and fun.

See you soon!

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