Lifestyle Optimiser - Cecilie Rigneus

Cecilie is passionate about helping others optimise their life by managing their health and beauty through nutrition and fitness.


What is a Superfood?  These are foods that pack more punch, in terms of what they provide in nutrients and in promoting health, than other foods.  These foods are well worth knowing see my list of Superfoods: all organic of course!


An apple a day is perhaps one of the most delicious prescriptions ever made. Apples are a powerful source of antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber and potassium. Plus, there are only 47 calories in the average sized apple.
Health Benefits
Improves Heart Health, Improves Lung Function, Lowers Risk of Type II Diabetes, Prevents Lung Cancer
Antioxidants, Fiber, Flavonoids, Polyphenols, Potassium, Vitamin C


Avocados aren't only a delicious creamy treat used for mouthwatering guacamole, they are one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. They're packed with fiber, and ounce by once, top the charts among all fruit for folate, potassium, vitamin E and magnesium.
Health Benefits
Can Facilitate Weight Loss, Lowers Chance of Prostate Cancer, May Help Lower Cholesterol
Beta-Sitosterol, Carotenoids, Chorophyll, Fiber, Folate, Glutathione, Lutein, Magnesium, Polyphenols, Vitamin E
Artichokes, Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Here is a super food that you can put all your money on! They have incredibly high levels of antioxidant phytonutrients.
Health Benefits
Anti-Cancer, Help with Balance and Coordination, Improve Brain Function, Improve Cell Communications, Slow Down the Aging Process
Ascorbic Acid, Carotenoids, Fiber, Folate, Polyphenols, Salicylic Acid, Vitamin E
Blackberries, Boysenberries, Cherries, Cranberries, Fresh Currant, Purple Grapes,
Raspberries, Strawberries


Broccoli has a strong, positive impact on our body’s detoxification system.
Health Benefits
Anti-Cancer, Detoxifier, Keeps Metabolism in Balance, Lowers Cholesterol, Protects the Eyes
Ascorbic Acid, Calcium, Fiber, Folate, Indoles, Sulforaphane
Brussels Sprouts, Collards, Kale, Turnips


This wonderful flavor can be used in so many dishes and it happens to be one of the most powerful spices on the planet.
Health Benefits
Anti-Inflammatory, Helps Diabetes II Patients, Improves Cognition, Lowers Cholesterol, May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease, Regulates Glucose Levels
Calcium, Fiber, Manganese

Dark Chocolate

Did you know that that dark chocolate is a super food. The no longer "forbidden" treat was discovered to have flavonols with potent antioxidant properties that promote healthy blood pressure and more.
Health Benefits
Lowers Blood Pressure, May Improve Brain Function, May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease, Promotes Blood Flow, Protects Skin from the Sun
Copper, Fiber, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Zinc

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

One of the most important changes you can make in your kitchen is to substitute extra virgin olive oil for other fats. Olive Oil has been enjoyed since around 3,000 B.C. and is a staple of the Mediterranean diet. But only use it for cold dishes as the olive oils is very sensitive to heat
Health Benefits
Anti-Diabetes, Lowers Blood Pressure, May Reduce Change of Breast and Colon Cancer, May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
Carotenoids, Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, Phytosterols, Polyphenols, Vitamin E
Canola Oil


Garlic is a small and humble-looking veggie, but it places a huge role in major cuisines around the world. It makes even the simplest dishes taste profound. What's even more exciting is that it's a major powerhouse for the body.
Health Benefits
Anti-Cancer, Can Reduce Blood Pressure, Combats Common Cold and Flu, Detoxifies Heavy Metals in Body, Lowers Cholesterol, May Help Prevent Alzheimer's
75 Organosulfur Compounds, Arginine, Ascorbic Acid, Polyphenols, Potassium, Saponins, Selenium
Leeks, Onions, Scallions, Shallots


It's no wonder the word "honey" is a term of endearment. What could be sweeter and more appealing than the rich golden treat? Its benefit goes much further than the fact that it tastes amazing on cereal, toast, yogurt, and pancakes–it has too many nutritional benefits to ignore.
Health Benefits
Inhibits the Growth of Bacteria, Inhibits the Growth of Fungi and Viruses, Inhibits the Growth of Yeast, Lowers Cholesterol, Prevents Constipation, Regulates Blood Sugar Levels
Oligosaccharides, Polyphenols, Salicylates


This green and delicious fruit was named after a bird.
Health Benefits
Anti-Cataract & Macular Degeneration, May Prevent Colon Cancer, Neutralizes Free Radicals, Reduces Severity of Osteoarthritis, Supports Brain & Hearing Health
Ascorbic Acid, Fiber, Folate, Indoles, Polyphenols, Potassium, Vitamin E
Guava, Pineapple


Onions were not put on this earth to give humanity a horrid case of bad breath or to spice up our favorite dishes. This SuperFood happens to be one of the most powerful you can consume on a daily basis. Eat them regularly to protect your body from cancer, lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation.
Health Benefits
Anti-Cancer, Decreases Inflammation, Lowers Cholesterol, Lowers Risk of Heart Disease, Strengthens Immune System
Ascorbic Acid, Diallyl Sulfide, Fiber, Fructans, Polyphenols, Potassium, Saponins, Selenium, Vitamin E
Chives, Garlic, Leeks, Scallions, Shallots


Oranges aren’t just beneficial to your taste buds, they happen to be one of the most potent sources of vitamin C on the planet. Not only are they an excellent boost for your immune system, they've been proven to support heart health, prevent stroke, regulate glucose levels, and help with a host of chronic ailments.
Health Benefits
Lowers Risk of Stroke, Regulates Glucose Levels, Strengthens Immunity, Supports Heart Health
Ascorbic Acid, Fiber, Folate, Limonene, Pectin, Polyphenols, Potassium
Kumquats, Lemons, Limes, Tangerines, White and Pink Grapefruit


Not only is it unique in appearance, it's a powerhouse for nutrients and do wonders for the body.
Health Benefits
Anti-Cancer, Inhibits Abnormal Platelet Aggregation, Lowers Blood Pressure, Lowers Cholesterol, May Protect Against Osteoporosis, May Reverse Atherosclerotic Plaque, Supports Immune System
Ascorbic Acid, Polyphenols, Potassium, Vitamin B6


Could a healthy portion of pumpkin pie actually be good for you? Minus the refined sugar, the answer is yes. It's an excellent idea to eat plenty of pumpkin throughout the year. It happens to be one of the most nutritionally valuable foods known to man. Plus, it's inexpensive, high in fiber, and low in calories.
Health Benefits
Anti-Cancer, Anti-Cataract & Macular Degeneration, Lowers Risk of Heart Disease, Prevents Oxidation of Cholesterol, Slows Down Aging Process
Alpha & Beta Carotene, Ascorbic Acid, Fiber, Magnesium, Pantothenic Acid, Potassium, Vitamin E
Butternut Squash, Carrots, Orange Bell Peppers, Sweet Potatoes


You can usually recognize super food fans in the grocery store: Their carts are loaded with spinach!
Health Benefits
Anti-Cancer, Lowers Blood Pressure, Lowers Risk of Heart Disease, Prevents Asthma, Promotes Bone Health, Promotes Healthy Skin and Hair, Protects Against Macular Degeneration & AMD
Alpha Lipoic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, B Vitamins, Beta-Carotene, Glutathione, Lutein / Zeaxanthin, Vitamin E
Arugula, Bok Choy, Collards, Kale, Mustard Greens, Orange Bell Peppers, Romaine,
S Swiss chard, Turnip greens, Seaweed


According to legend, the discovery of tea occured quite by accident in 27 B.C. in the reign of the Chinese emperor Shen Nung. There are now more than 3,000 varieties of tea available around the world. What's even more exciting is that there is solid evidence that tea consumption is associated with a lowered risk of heart disease and stroke and much more.
Health Benefits
Anti-Cancer, Beneficial to Diabetes Patients, Fights Free Radicals, Lowers Risk of Parkinson's Disease, May Protect Body from Neurological Diseases, May Protect the Body from Ultraviolet Rays
Flavonoids, Fluoride, No Calories

Flax seeds

Also called linseeds and by some called the most powerful plant foods. Yes, so tiny, but a great source to antioxidants, healthy fat, and fiber
Health benefits
Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Disease, Possible Protects against Prostate, Breast and Colon Cancer, Diabetes
Lignans, a Polyphenol antioxidant, Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids, Vitamin B1, Copper, Magnesium, Selenium, Phosphorus, Manganese, Fiber


Are an incredibly popular tree nut or more correctly, seed!
The kernels are among the richest source of health-benefiting nutrients essential for optimum health. The body needs fat to burn fat, so with moderation, enjoy almonds (with the skin) daily for an effective weight loss.
Health benefits
Lowers the LDL (bad) Cholesterol, Reduces Risk of Heart Disease, Protects against Diabetes, Lowers Risk of Weight Gain, Increased Energy Production, Preventing gallstones
Vitamin E, Flavonoids, Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese, Copper, Riboflavin, Monounsaturated Fat
Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds


superkale2The beautiful leaves of the kale plant provide an earthy flavor and more nutritional value for fewer calories. A must in your weekly menu, in your soup, steamed in a pan, a snack, as a pesto….
Health benefits
Outstanding as an Antioxidant Nutrient, Anti-inflammatory Nutrient and Anti-cancer Nutrient. Unusual Concentration of the two Power Antioxidants Carotenoids and Flavonoids, 45 Different ones to be Mrecise, to maximize your Health, Detoxifier and Cholesterol-lowering Benefits
Carotenoids, Flavonoids, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, B6, Calcium, Copper, Manganese, Potassium, Iron, Omega 3 fatty acids phosphorus, Protein, Folate and Niacin


They are alkalizing for the body. Lemons are acidic to begin with but they are alkaline forming on body fluids helping to restore balance to the body’s pH
To optimise your health, start your morning with one freshly pressed lemon in a big glass of water, the best liver detoxifier.
Health benefits
Boosting your Immune System, Treating Infections, Antioxidant, Cleans your Bowels, Preventing Asthma, Increasing Iron Absorption
Vitamin C, Flavonoids, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, Potassium, Calsium, Phosphorus, Thiamin, B6, Riboflavin


While many people think that buckwheat is a cereal grain, it is actually a fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel and the perfect substitute to those who are gluten intolerant.
Health benefits
Lowers High blood Pressure and High Cholesterol, Beneficial to Diabetes Patients
Flavonoids, Antioxidant, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, Phosphorus

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